Problems Related to Tourism

Sri Lanka is a beautiful island and tourism has grown as a booming industry in the country over the years. It has become a major source of the economy of the country. Tourism provides regular employment for many local people and improves their standards of living. Roads and hotels have been built for the tourists in remote areas and local people also can use these facilities. Both local people and tourists can learn about different cultures and it can bring changes in their lives of them. 

Though it is economically worth inviting foreigners to our country, it brings disadvantages, too. Sri Lankan society promotes an eastern culture. It is full of cultural values and much different from western culture. Local people mix and mingle with foreigners and try to imitate some behaviour patterns. Especially the younger generation ignores their own cultural values.

International drug dealers use tourists as cat’s paws to bring narcotics and other dangerous drugs illegally. Most places of tourist attraction have provided a good market for narcotics. Our younger generation become addictive and it badly affects the local society and the economy of the country. 

Some local people see tourists as easy prey as they are in unfamiliar territory. There are instances that some tourists have been harassed and even killed by local people to rob their properties. So sometimes tourists cannot ensure their security and safety in the country. It also affects the image of the country badly. 

Although there are many problems related to tourism, we cannot get rid of it as it is the main source of national income. So tourism should be well organized and should not allow it to influence the cultural values, exploit and smuggle the resources of our country.